Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Arrow Season 02 Episode 12 - Tremors (2014)

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Realizing the danger Joe is putting himself and others in, Arrow decides to try and train him in the hope he can learn to control both his newfound strength and his temper. He proves to be a difficult student. Bronze Tiger has broken out of prison thanks to arms merchant Milo Armitage who wants to get his hands on Malcolm Merlyn's prototype earthquake machine. Moira accepts a dinner invitation with Walter Steele, who is now working for the Sterling National Bank, and Mark Francis who want to discuss Sebastian Blood who they as a threat to the city. In fact, they want Moira to run against Blood in the upcoming election. Laurel rejects her father's attempt to get her into a self-help group. She becomes despondent when she learns she may be disbarred. In a flashback to the island, Oliver and Sara try to locate Slade.

Release: 29 Januari 2014
Genre: Action | Adventure | Crime
Size: 347MB
Quality: HDTV XviD-FUM

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